
Some useful informations about 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics : Schedules, Mascot characters and goods, Attractions to trip

한국관광명품점 2018. 1. 3. 11:51

Hello, this is Korean National Souvenir Center!

Today, I'm going to share some information about 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics!

The information I'm going to give you is about :

1. 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics Schedules

2. 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics Mascot characters

3. Some attractions to visit, nearby Pyeongchang


2018 Pyeongchang Olympics Schedules

Image from www.pyeongchang2018.com

This is the schedule table of Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics!

There's 15 sports on this winter Olympics,

and the start is on 9th February.

If you want more information, CLICK HERE and see more!


2018 Pyeongchang Olympics Mascot characters

The mascots of 2018 winter olympics are named "BANDABI" and "SOOHORANG".

You can check more information here : https://www.pyeongchang2018.com/en/mascots#section3

I already posted this picture, so you can see that post HERE if you wonder!

And there's a lot of Character souvenirs in Korean national Souvenir Center!

You can visit and buy Bandabi goods and Soohorang goods! :-)


Pyeongchang attractions to visit and trip

(1) Traditional Markets in Gangwon-do Pyeongchang

Images from www.pyeongchang2018.com

If you want to visit some traditional markets in Pyeongchang, you can check THIS PAGE!

You can visit “five-day market", and buy some traditional goods here,

and also can eat some delicious foods like chicken-gangjung, gimbab, muk-sabal, and so on.

(2) Gangneung Movie Trip

Image from www.pyeongchang2018.com

If you are a fan of Korean movie, the Movie Trip to Gangneung can be an awesome visits!

This movie trip has many places that had been the background of Korean movies.

Image from www.pyeongchang2018.com

You can visit not only this kind of traditional places,

Image from www.pyeongchang2018.com

but also this kind of impressive modern places with beautiful view.

If you are interested in Gangneung Movie Trip, you can check more information HERE!

(3) Catch the Jukdo Waves (Yangyang)

Image from www.pyeongchang2018.com

You can enjoy the beach if you visit Yangyang. (It's nearby Pyeongchang!)

The beach side of Donghae sea is also beautiful in winter.

Image from www.pyeongchang2018.com

In Yangyang, you can also eat some Mikguksu! So if you're interested in, check THIS PAGE.

Hope these information were useful,
 and also hope you enjoy 2018 Pyeongchang winter Olympics!

Thank you for seeing my post, see ya!