
[Independence Movement Day] Let’s find out what the Korean flag means

한국관광명품점 2018. 3. 1. 09:00


It's Korea National Souvenir Center.



March 1 this year is the 99th anniversary of Samiljeol.



Samiljeol, Independence Movement day is

the day that Korea announced to the world

its independence intention on March 1, 1919.






Let's learn about the meaning of Taegeukgi

to commemorate the Samiljeol(삼일절).








 The meanings contained in the Taegeukgi 




The Korean flag, Taegeukgi, is white and has a taegeuk mark in the middle,

And a Geon, Gon, Gam, Li in four corners.





The wite background of Taegeukgi is light and pure,

and it represents ethnicity of traditionally loving peace.

The taegeuk mark in the middle represents

harmony of Yang(sunny spot) and Eum(shade).


It is a representation of nature's truth

that all things in the universe are created and developed by the interaction between Yang(sunny spot) and Eum(shade).



The four trigrams at the four corners show the changes and improvements

of Yang(sunny spot) and Eum(shade) in each other.


It's expressed in detail through a combination of filial piety.



Of all things in the universe, Geon trigram is the sky, Gon trigram is the land,

Gam trigram is water, and Li trigram is fire.







We have studied the meaning of Taegeukgi.

I think Korean flag has so many meanings!!

Very interesting :)



To commemorate Samiljeol, Independence Movement Day,

why don't you try drawing Taegeukgi?



Thank you :)