“I wish had a lot of money doing nothing”

Have you ever thought about it?

There is a bowl that keeps growing things when you put anything!

It is a folktale called ‘widow’s cruse’ which descends for several hundred years.

(And i wonder what it looks like)

A poor bachelor who lived at the beach went down to the village to sell the tree and then find a live snapper sold by a merchant. When he saw the snapper, panting its breath, the bachelor used his money to release the snapper on the beach. One day a beautiful woman who came to the bachelor said that she was a snapper. She recommended him to go to the dragon king and bring a bowl look like soybean.

That’s the widow’s cruse, a mysterious bowl that keeps all kinds of things and does not diminished!

You can find it in Korea souvenir center!

Widow’s cruse in the Korea souvenir center at insa dong >

It looks like soybean, as the snapper expresses. Widow’s cruse does not have a sleek and polished design, but it has lumpy and rustic style!

The reason why the bachelor in the folktale is given widow’s cruse is because he does good work of releasing the snapper.

If you have widow’s cruse, What do you want to put in?


Come to the Korea souvenir center! 

Of course, if you put something in the widows’ cruse, it is mine XD ~

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